Some Thoughts on World Juniors Criticism

 Photo From Hockey Canada 

So, I haven’t done write ups for the last few games because what can you say about Canada’s 11-1 win over Slovakia the score describes the game and the game against Czechia on Saturday, I was at the Blue Jays game and only caught the third period. On Monday, Canada completed their preliminary round with a perfect record after beating Finland 6-3 and now wait to see who their opponent will be for the Quarter Final round on Wednesday. The reason for this article is I would like to give my thoughts on some of the criticism this tournament has gotten. I have seen some hockey fans say it isn’t the same because it is being played in August, everyone who watches this tournament is more accustomed to watching the World Junior tournament in December simply because of the affect marketing has on this event. TSN since 1991 has broadcasted this tournament taking over from CBC but since 91 in Saskatoon TSN has promoted this tournament as a “Christmas Tradition” and made it sound like every December the World Junior Championships is the only thing that matters, and you know what? It worked because in my house my dad and I refer to December 26th (Boxing Day) as our Christmas because we get to watch both the Spengler Cup tournament and the Juniors. I am perfectly fine with the Tournament being moved to this August after its cancelation last December because for a hockey mad fan like myself watching the U18 Championships and now this fills the void while I wait for Leafs training camp to open, and yes, I’ll be watching this Women’s World Championships in a few weeks too. For me there is now something to watch because let’s be honest right now the Blue Jays are beyond frustrating so thankfully there is something worth watching this month. I have enjoyed this tournament regardless of what month it’s being played in because the hockey has been entertaining, but not worry fans because in literally four months we will be watching the 2023 tournament in December from Halifax and Moncton.  

Next, I want to talk about fans complaining about the level of talent on some of the teams. Every single tournament each year I see and hear Canadians complain when Canada plays a team and blows them out. This tournament as I mentioned Canada beat Slovakia 11-1 unfortunately these games happen in tournaments like this, and I think Canadians just complain because they have nothing better to do. Look at the first game Canada won 5-2 over Latvia, now Gord Miller mentioned it on broadcast that when Canada dominates a team fans then think there wasn’t competition but if Canada say Canada beats Latvia 2-1 like they did in Sochi at the Olympics everyone was worried about Canada because they didn’t dominate. Instead of being happy their team won Canadian fans think they need to over analyze things instead of just being happy for the win. If people think Canada has always been a powerhouse in this tournament let me educate you a little bit because trust me that was not always the case. Canada in 1998 the Tournament was held in Finland and Canada was heading into the tournament as obvious favorites having won the five previous events, but in 98 Canada wound up in the relegation round where they played Nik Antropov and Kazakhstan to see who would stay up in the main group for the 1999 tournament. After avoiding relegation Canada would finish 2nd in 1999, 3rd in 2000, 3rd in 2001, and then three consecutive silver medals before winning the tournament in 2005 with a team that was loaded with talent thanks to the NHL Lockout at the time. Canada has obviously had stretches where they’d win consecutive gold medals but there was also a time when Canada would finish off the podium all together 2013 in Ufa Russia and 2014 in Malmo Sweden. Canada usually does well in this event because in this country hockey is the sport the country federally gets behind the most. Look at our other National teams, how many Olympic medals has our Men’s Basketball team won? Or better yet how many Olympics has our Men’s team played in? Athletes for the longest time would turn down an opportunity to play basketball or baseball for this country because if there was a tournament over seas the player would have to pay is way whereas if you played hockey for the men’s team your trip was paid for. The women playing hockey in this country face all kinds of challenges but that’s a story for another day. So, instead of always crying the blues over Canada dominating a team lets look at the fact that other countries are improving in quality. As I’m writing this Sweden is leading Germany 3-1 and honestly if it wasn’t for the Swedish goalie Germany could easily be tied with them and their game could be an entirely different story. This tournament every single year has a team that becomes the story of the event. In 2010 it was Nino Niederreiter leading team Switzerland passed the much more talented Russian team. In 2015 the story of that Tournament was how the fans in Toronto adopted team Denmark as their own because they were a group that played their hearts out every game and managed to reach their first ever knockout round thanks to taking Russia to a shootout, they ended up losing but they then would beat Switzerland in a shootout punching their ticket to the knockout stage which no one saw happening. This year Latvia is the story as they managed to shock Czechia with a 5-2 win their first every win in the preliminary round and they will be in the Quarterfinals on Wednesday. For everyone that thinks the IIHF should shorten the number of teams allowed because of the difference in quality put yourself in the shoes of those kids playing for a “weaker team”. For the kids on Latvia are they going to win the tournament? No but for them representing their country at this event will mean more to them then anything else in their career because that is an accomplishment that will stay with them forever. There are many great athletes in their respective sport that will never have that moment to play for their country on an international stage so for the Latvian’s or Austrian’s representing their country give them the respect they rightly deserve instead of complaining about fact Canada has to play a “weak team” because there will be a day where Canada once again has to go back to the drawing board and rebuild their team, there will be a day where Canada goes through a stretch where they don’t win the gold where they’re the “weaker team” and when that happens I can guarantee everyone crying and complaining will be crying for an entirely different reason.

So, for now let’s give these kids, remember that they’re just kids but let’s give them the respect they deserve regardless of who they play for and just enjoy the hockey being played. Canada will be playing Switzerland on Wednesday in the Quarterfinals so tune in and enjoy it.

One last thing, this blog has reached over 5000 all time views thank you so much to everyone who has given their support and followed along.


  1. It's hockey, it's the juniors, it's about to get competitive. What more can you ask for if your a real hockey fan.

  2. exactly sure blow out games happen but overall the quality of hockey has been worth watching


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