Remember It's Just a Game


Last night the Leafs were squaring off against the Florida Panthers looking to bounce back from the 8-1 loss against Tampa. I did not do an article after that game because there really was not much to say other than Toronto’s best effort was still relaxing on the beach. The fans had their usual meltdown and my question to the fans simply is why? Toronto would end up losing in overtime to Florida  despite obviously playing much better and with that single point now have 109 points in the standings, but for this I would like to focus on the reaction of the Leaf fans after the Tampa loss. Losing a game like that too any team is bad of course but the reaction I saw and heard from fans was honestly embarrassing. This team we fans are getting to watch this season is statistically the best Leaf team ever in their one hundred plus year history. They have a player in Auston Matthews who has 102 points and is knocking on the door of the first ever sixty goal seasons for a Leaf, they have Mitch Marner who has a career high thirty-five goals and ninety-six points after last night but because they lost to Tampa this team has once again been written off as pretenders instead of contenders. We have seen repeatedly this team can go on a streak of successful play but as usual the fans focus on one game. Those same fans seem to ignore some pretty positive stats, one for example is that since the trade deadline this Leaf team that fans are doubting this team but what I find funny is that at the beginning of the month when Toronto beat Tampa 6-2 everyone was planning the parade, and everything was great in Leaf land. This team since the trade deadline has a record of 12-2-2 so fans need to relax about this team and thinking they are terrible or a joke. The Leafs clinched a playoff spot on April 9th in a win over Montreal and since then we have seen Sheldon Keefe rest players or try different combinations with his lines or defense pairings and pick up points against other contending teams. Now, I understand fans get frustrated throughout a season we have all been guilty of it you have even seen me on this blog rip into players like Petr Mrazek or Justin Holl but at the end of the day I am still a fan of this Leaf team and in my heart believe they can go on a decent run in the post season. Throughout the season I have talked about the toxic nature of this fan base, and I have even fell victim of comments from people too.


Since starting this blog last season I have noticed the toxicity of social media and its honestly surprising. For those that are not aware even though I run this blog from a computer in my bedroom I treat it as if I am reporting news whether its through my blog or through a small post on my Facebook page. Now it was literally coincidence that I started this during a pandemic and there were times where I would post about players not being available due to testing positive for Covid, or games needing to be rescheduled and the stuff that I would have said to me because I, a no name blogger happened to post that MLSE announced that there would games played without fans I would get blasted on as if it was my decision when anyone in their right mind knows that I don’t work for the Federal or Provincial government but I treat this like I am reporting news and if you want to run a blog about a team playing a season during a pandemic you’re going to have to talk about some unfortunate things, that’s life.


I did not get heat from people just for talking about a pandemic I even got comments from people, some of them I have known for a long time, but after some articles I was told that I knew nothing about the game of hockey. I need to clarify once again that no I am not an expert when it comes to this game because if I were, I would not be blogging at home for free I would be signed to a network and would be getting paid for my thoughts and opinions. When I write about the games I try and break things down and explain how some plays should have gone but that is because although is a small amount I do have some experience coaching in this game and do have some knowledge on how the game should be played. Are their times when I want to write about a loss write after the game? Of course, but I do not do that because I know that if I wrote while I was angry or frustrated, I would say something that as time went by, I would regret, so I try and draft articles with a level head. I am saying this because I think Leaf fans in general need to take a step back and relax because it is literally just one game. This Leaf team will be fine when playoffs start for them on May 2nd regardless of who the Leafs play whether it is the Lightning, or the Bruins lets honestly just enjoy the run and not panic and think the end is near after a loss. There have been so many positives achieved by this team already and I know there will be more to come. I wanted to take this time and talk about the reaction after the 8-1 loss simply because I found it ridiculous, I by no means am trying to portray myself as being better than any other fan of this team but there is a reason why Leaf fans are the laughing stock of the league and it’s because we bring it upon ourselves. This fan base attacks anyone and everyone who has a different opinion or view then theirs. Remember my article talking about potential trade deadline targets, I mentioned that Max Domi was an option simply because that is what was being reported. I gave my thoughts on the Leafs getting Max and I gave an honest opinion and said I did not want him on the team and told fans to remember Max was not Tie they are two vastly different players. I was called a clown by a reader for saying I did not want Max Domi on the Maple Leafs. To that reader I first want to say thanks for reading that article the more people that read my articles the better, but I also would like to ask how am I a “clown” for giving my opinion? Now, yes, I know I can be called out for going after Steve Simmons and the Toronto Sun for things he has said, but the thing is Steve again in my opinion I do not like some of his methods for writing articles. Whereas when I write about games or break things down, I have actual stats that support my argument or stance on a topic.

I really just do this because I enjoy it and love following this team I am a fan just like all of us but really think we as a fan base need to relax and simply enjoy the fact that on a nightly basis we get to watch so many talented players sign contracts to play for the Leafs simply because they want to play for us, the fans. Let us not cry and pout over a player’s contract because Dave Poulin or Craig Button come on TV and say its bad. They are just trying to get a reaction. Remember Poulin was fired by the Leafs because he couldn’t manage the teams salary cap, and Button was in the Leafs front office when the Rask for Raycroft trade was made and it’s been reported that he was involved in the decision in trading away Rask to the Bruins for Raycroft and we as fans know how that deal worked out for our team.  Once again lets just enjoy the season this team is having and not worry about what a talking head on TV thinks about this team.

I know I’m likely rambling on at this point so I am going to wrap this one up and say as always to everyone that reads this blog thanks so much for doing so your support means a lot but lets as a fan base just try and be better and try to enjoy the teams success because there will be a day when our beloved team wins Lord Stanley’s mug and when that day finally arrives all the pain and frustration will be a distant memory when the team unveils their newest cup banner and honestly I think it may happen sooner than some believe.

The Leafs are back in action tonight as Erik Kallgren will be in goal against Ovechkin and the Capitals, remember to enjoy the game and trust our team will be successful.


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