I Don't Get It


This article is honestly challenging to write because I’m trying to do this while keeping a level head and not let my frustration and emotion take over. Yes, I know it’s early in the season but six games into the season and the Leafs have some big-time issues. Defensively this team is brutal in this recent stretch but from game one of the regular season I have been concerned with the way things started. I like every Leaf fan has grown up watching this team and have seen heartbreaking losses from 93 till last year in the playoffs when they lost game seven to Montreal. I like most of the fans right now am frustrated right now, but I’m frustrated because I love this team, I want this team to do well so bad but this team right now this Leafs team has been exactly the same for five years. Now hear me out for a second. If you look back at the Leafs teams under Pat Quinn that consistently made the playoffs from 99-04, we saw Leaf teams that weren’t perfect on the blueline, but you had pairings that played their role and played their game well. Quinn’s Leaf teams had an offense that could grab control of the game. There were many times where those Leafs had a one goal lead and fans could sit back and didn’t need to hold their breath untill the third period ended. This generations Leaf team there hasn’t been a game where a fan could comfortably sit and watch the Leafs hold a lead. This Leaf team we have seen this handful of seasons if the offense is clicking things are easy the team has swagger, but when this group of players has to work and grind away to get goals they struggle. The biggest issue this Toronto Maple Leafs has is the mental side of the game. When a team like the Bruins or Columbus Blue Jackets for example plays against Toronto they would play physically, and these Leafs couldn’t adjust.

What I can’t figure out is with the team in the skid they are in right now is you don’t see any response to anything from the Leafs. A perfect example is Saturday night against the Penguins. The Leafs had a perfect opportunity to grab a win when the Penguins were without Crosby, Malkin, Letang, Carter, and Rust and the Leafs get destroyed 7-1 and their best player was a thirty-eight-year-old Jason Spezza. With the Leafs done and dusted it seemed they were going through the motions. Every other team if they were getting their ass kicked you would see someone drop the gloves to show he gave a damn.

Tonight, the Leafs lost once again to Carolina 4-1 and after the game Sheldon Keefe said he was happy with the teams fight and he felt that the Leafs leave Carolina a better team. Even on the broadcast Craig Simpson said he thought the Leafs effort was better. All I ask is did you watch the same bloody game I did? The effort was better? The Leafs go their teeth kicked in during the first period being outshot 15-8 and the only reason the Leafs had a 1-0 lead after twenty minutes thanks to Matthews getting his first of year 200th as a Leaf is because Jack Campbell stood on his damn head and then in the second the team went 14 minutes before registering a shot and that’s a better effort? You leave Carolina a better team? I have defended Sheldon Keefe countless times in my articles but if that is really his attitude then this Leaf team is similar to another team I cheer for, The Dallas Cowboys they have a country club atmosphere that team hasn’t won a thing since Super Bowl 30 and don’t seem to care. Their owner Jerry Jones as long as you are talking about the Cowboys, he prints money they have a lot of money tied too their core and have yet to win. This Leaf team has 13% of their salary cap tied up into their core and have yet to win a damn playoff round let alone compete for anything.


Next up the Leafs play the winless Chicago Blackhawks on the road Wednesday, IF they don’t win the spotlight will shine brighter on Leafs GM Kyle Dubas to make some sort of change to turn things around. I have seen articles from Steve Simmons and Howard Berger so really, it’s the blind leading the blind, but they have suggested making a coaching change, they’ve suggested John Tortorella be the next coach. Now I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and both are writing something aiming to get clicks and yeah, I fell into their trap but my question to these two “reporters” is are you insane? I’m not a religious person by any means but I pray to whatever god that may be out there, but I pray that this is simply a fever dream. John Tortorella sure he has won a cup with the Lightning in 2004 but the rest of his coaching tenure hasn’t been positive. After winning a cup the Lightning had to trade Vinnie Lecavillier because he and Tortorella couldn’t see eye to eye. He would be fired from Tampa and then go on to coach the Rangers where he led the Rangers to the Conference finals, but can you guess how his time with the Rangers came to an end? That’s right fired Torts would then go on to coach Vancouver for an embarrassing season that saw him clash with players, Vancouver media, and management. Hell, the guy never paid any attention to Vancouver’s farm team he knew nothing about the prospects that were in the organization. After once again being fired he then moved onto the Blue Jackets where he spent four and a half years behind the bench. His Jackets would beat the Leafs in a five-game series in the playoff bubble, but things weren’t all sunshine and rainbows. Last year we would see Pierre Luc Dubois look for the door because he couldn’t seem to do anything right in the eyes of Torts. So, with all that said my question to Simmons and Berger is What makes you think John Tortorella is the right coach for this Toronto Maple Leafs team? If he’s behind the bench you just watch how fast guys look for the exit and to the Leaf fans that are drinking that kool aid thinking he should be the next Leaf coach grab the smelling salts or get your head examined because Tortorella as Leaf coach would be a massive mistake.

Like I said IF Toronto loses again Wednesday night, I think you’ll see Dubas working the phones if he hasn’t started already. I highly doubt you’ll see a coaching change after seven games if Chicago beats Toronto, but I whole heartily believe you’ll see a big name from Toronto being shopped around. I bet anyone reading that right away is speculating that a big name forward will be the piece moved. If you do, you’re wrong if the Leafs are going to make a move it will be on the blueline. In my opinion Morgan Reilley will be the likely piece shipped out if the Leafs struggles continue. The team won’t be able to keep him after this season so why not try and get something in return for him and in return try and bring in some new blood into the lineup with the hopes of turning things around.

I guess time will tell the Leafs are 2-4 on the season and yes there’s plenty of time left this season but it obvious something needs to change. This may not have been the type of article anyone was expecting but after this frustrating loss I needed to vent some frustration.


Thanks for reading and thanks for letting me vent          


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